405 Shnas Hakhel
This coming year, 5776, is the year of Hakhel. On the second day of Succos in a year of Hakhel every man, woman, and child of Klal Yisrael assembled in the Beis Hamikdash . The (Lubavitcher) Rebbe coined the term “Shnas Hakhel”, i.e. the entire year is considered a year of Hakhel. When describing the purpose of the mitzvah of Hakhel—“L’maan yishmeu, ul’maan yilmedu, v’yar'u es Hashem Elokeichem v'shomru la'asos es kol divrei haTorah hazos” (So that they hear, and so that they learn, and they will fear Hashem, and observe all the words of this Torah)—the Torah uses the phrase kol hayamim asher atem chayim al ha'adamah (all the days that you live on the Land). Hakhel was meant to have a lasting effect on Klal Yisrael; the Rishonim (early authorities) make specific mention of the effect of Hakhel kol hashanah (throughout the entire year).
The actual mitzvah of Hakhel can be observed only in the Beis Hamikdash, but since every mitzvah is eternal, it contains a ruchniyusdige (spiritual) message for all time. The purpose of Hakhel is lechazek das ha’emes (to strengthen the Torah-true religion), and is fulfilled every time Yidden (Jews) assemble and learn Torah with the intent of strengthening their fear of Hashem and enhancing their observance of Torah and mitzvos. This year is an opportune time to arrange Hakhel gatherings to achieve that goal.