Pesach Sheni is not a Yom Tov; it is permitted to do work on Pesach Sheni, although it is not a time for fasting or eulogizing. Although it is not written in Shulchon Oruch, there is a custom brought by many later Poskim not to say Tachanun on Pesach Sheni, and that is the prevalent custom in the vast majority of communities. Chassidim also have a custom to eat Matzah on Pesach Sheni, and some even eat it on the night before Pesach Sheni, but the general custom is to eat Matzah during the day of Pesach Sheni. Another very common custom is to eat Matzah the night after Pesach Sheni, as after all that is the time when the Korban Pesach was eaten, on Motzei Pesach Sheni.