Is gematria a waste of time?
Gematriya’os (which according to many commentators is the calculations of numerical values) are considered parpara’os lechochmah (accompaniment to knowledge), as stated in the Mishnah in Avos. The use of gematriya’os can enhance our Torah learning, but we are cautioned by the Chachamim that they are parparaos, a term that means either “appetizer” or “dessert”; they can kick off or round out our study—but are not a mainstay or an actual portion of the chochmah (wisdom) of Torah. And like the icing on a cake or the garnish on a salad, they bring honor and delight to their creator.
Poskim state that a Torah learner preoccupied with calculating a gematria may actually be practicing bittul Torah (wasting time that should be spent studying). On the other hand, such mathematical connections may sometimes simply occur to a person be’eis min ha’itim (from time to time)—and when they are effortless, clear and elucidating they are gifts that can boost one’s chochmah. Termed a siman min Hashamayim (a Heavenly sign of benevolence) due to the spontaneous nature of the inspiration, it is an indication of the lofty source of the neshamah (soul)—a part of the Divine Creator Himself.