#135 May We Eat Sandwiches?
There is a section in Shulchon Aruch dedicated to the laws of Derech Eretz BiSeuda. One of the halachos mentioned there is that one should not eat a piece of bread that is larger than the size of a kebeitza, an egg, nor should one be holding a piece that is larger and eat from it directly. This is particularly relevant when a person wishes to eat a roll or a sandwich, which is very common nowadays, and which are generally larger than the size of an egg. Some poskim suggest that this is no longer a problem since nowadays this has become the common way of eating; others suggest that the same reason still applies, that nir'ah kra'avsonusav, since it appears like the person is very hungry when eating from such a large amount of food at one time. If one desires to satisfy all opinions, they should leave the sandwich on the table and gently tear off small pieces and eat them. This rule does not apply on Shabbos and Yom Tov when one is permitted to eat this amount at once, and according to many opinions, nor to a Seudas Mitzvah.