Based on a number of factors, there can sometimes be room to permit hanging the picture of a woman at home or publicizing such a picture in a magazine. The issur is only in the following circumstances: a) when one is gazing at a picture rather than just looking temporarily, b) if it is a colored picture, not a black and white one, and c) only if it is a woman the onlooker actually knows. Of course, if such a picture causes a person to experience Hirhurim, inappropriate thoughts, it is forbidden in all situations. Also, obviously, it is not Mishnas Chassidim, pious behavior, to hang or publicize such pictures. However, in a place where there is a real need to do so for proper purposes, such as to encourage people in Torah and Mitzvos or other such needs, then in a case like this it is acceptable to have such a picture, provided the conditions for permissibility are met.