Pizza Delivered without a Kashrus Seal
One of the lesser-known halachos is that cheese is among the food items that must have at least one chosam (seal) if delivered by a non-Jew or a Yisroel chashud—a Jew who is suspected of not keeping Torah and Mitzvos in general, and kashrus in particular. A practical application of this halachah is a questionable pizza delivery. In the absence of a kashrus seal, there is a possibility, albeit remote, that the box’s contents may have been tampered with and switched for a non-kosher pizza (a pizza made with gvinas goyim, unsupervised cheese, or other unsupervised ingredients). Of course, the same issue applies to a cheese danish delivery. If one received such a delivery, they should ask a rav whether it may be eaten. Certainly, a kashrus agency which allows such methods of delivery should not be trusted. #291?1
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