There is a range of alternative treatments and medicines out there, as well as alternative practitioners, and many of them are highly problematic al pi Shulchon Oruch, according to Halocho. A lot of them are problematic simply because of the Issur of Gneivah, as some of these things are all phony, and consequently the practitioners who do them are practicing Gneivah, taking high amounts of money for nothing, or Gneivas Daas, deception, convincing one and conniving that these things really work. Aside from this, there are issues of Al Tifnu El HoElilim, Menachesh and Mechashef, as some of them stem from Avodah Zara, and anything that does not have a logical basis to understand how and why it works is highly problematic al pi Shulchon Oruch. If someone is in need of one of these types of medications, they should discuss it with a Rov Moreh Horaa who understands the nature of the medication and get a clear Halachic decision whether it is permissible or not al pi Halocho.