May a Pashran (Arbitratror) Change His Psak?

May a Pashran (Arbitratror) Change His Psak?

Once a pashran (an arbitrator between two parties in a dispute) has disclosed his psak (ruling) to the baalei dinim (disputing parties), he may not change his psak by adding to it or subtracting from it. However, before the pashran conveys his psak to the baalei dinim, he may change his ruling. 

When it comes to interpreting a psak, halachah distinguishes between various situations: 

If a psak is mishtame letrei anpe (it can be interpreted in more than one way), the pashran is entitled to clarify his psak. Since the psak is ambiguous, it is considered as though no psak was rendered.

If the pashran wishes to interpret his psak in a manner that is dochek (forced) and not straightforward, there are differing opinions among poskim whether the pashran may do so. 

However, if the “interpretation? is mosif or goreia (adding to or subtracting from) the psak, it is no longer considered an interpretation, and the pashran may not alter it. 

The halachah varies if a group of dayanim is involved, or if a single pashran is arbitrating; when it is a Beis Din rather than one pashran, there is more room for clarification of the original psak. #421

Practical Halacha: One minute a day. By Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, shlita, Mara D'asra and member of the Badatz of Crown Heights.