Can I pay tomorrow?

There is a Mitzvas Asei to pay one’s employee on time, the Mitzvah of BeYomo Titen Scharo, paying the salary on time. Sometimes, one would even violate the Prohibition of Le Salin Peulas Itchad Boiker, which is not only he is not fulfilling a Mitzvah, but he is also actually violating a Lo Saasei. The Arizal was extremely careful about this, and he wouldn’t daven Mincha unless he had paid his workers, which would sometimes delay his Mincha even until after sunset, something he normally would not do. This is very relevant when one has a babysitter and their period of work finishes that day or that night. They person who hired the babysitter cannot tell them that they’ll pay them the next day because that is violating the Lo Saasei of Lo Salin, and almost always also not fulfilling the Mitzvah of BeYoimoi Titen Scharo, paying the babysitter on time.

Practical Halacha: One minute a day. By Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, shlita, Mara D'asra and member of the Badatz of Crown Heights.