68 Return Policy - Buying & Returning

68 Return Policy - Buying & Returning

When a store or a company has a return policy, for example that the purchaser may return an item after a certain period of time such as a week or two of using it, and one’s intention when buying the item is actually to only to use it for a week and then return it, one is allowed to do so provided they make it patently clear from the onset that they have zero intention of keeping the item. If one does not say so, there is an issue of Gneivas Daas, as this is deception. The owner or the merchant assumes that the buyer is planning to keep the item or that there is a chance that they will keep it, and that is the reason why the client is allowed to take the item for a week. If one makes it very clear that they have zero intention of keeping the item, and that their intention is purely to return it after a week or two, then one is allowed to do so if they make it absolutely clear. This applies only to non-Jewish stores. A return policy in a Jewish store can be a serious issue of Ribbis.


Practical Halacha: One minute a day. By Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, shlita, Mara D'asra and member of the Badatz of Crown Heights.