A Freilchen Purim

#561: A Freilchen Purim!

The pasuk (verse) in Megilas Esther reads, “La’yehudim hayesah orah v’simchah v’sasson v’yekar” (The Jews had light and gladness and joy and glory). Chazal (our sages) say that “Orah zu Torah” (light is referring to Torah). The Rama comments on this, “Tov la’asok me’at ba’Torah” (it’s advisable to occupy oneself with the study of Torah) before seudas Purim (the Purim feast). Since Purim is thirty days before Pesach, many have the minhag (custom) of learning some of hilchos Pesach (the laws of Pesach) before the seudah. This is in accordance with the halachah of beginning to study the laws of a yom tov (holiday) thirty days before the holiday. Of course, one shouldn’t get too preoccupied with their studies since there is much to be taken care of, such as the seudah, and the other mitzvos of the day.

We wish all our readers a freilichen Purim, and may we celebrate many more simchos (joyous occasions). May we reach the stage of ad d’lo yada (the requisite state of inebriation, when we lose the power of discernment)—which is the ultimate spiritual level, where “arur Haman” (cursed be Haman) is transformed into “baruch Mordechai” (blessed be Mordechai). This will ultimately be realized in the era of Moshiach, when the remnants of Haman’s negative forces will be eradicated, or transformed into a positive force. May it happen bimheirah mamash (incredibly fast), and may we celebrate Purim in the Beis Hamikdash on the 15th of Adar, in accordance with the halachah in Yerushalayim.


Practical Halacha: One minute a day. By Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, shlita, Mara D'asra and member of the Badatz of Crown Heights.