Berachah on New Trees

Brachah on Blossoming Trees

During the month of Nissan we recite a special brachah when encountering flowering, fruit-bearing trees that have just begun to blossom—but before the fruit has grown. This brachah should be said only the first time we see such trees that year; if we did not make the brachah the first time we saw them, we should say it the second time, but belo Shem u’Malchus (without saying Hashem’s name). We do not say the brachah when we see an ilan srak (a tree that does not produce fruit), and according to some opinions, we do not say it if the tree is orlah (in its first three years of producing fruit), nor if the tree is a murkav (a grafted tree). In case we have not yet made the brachah and the flowers are already falling off the branches, and the fruit is growing, we should say the brachah belo Shem u’Malchus. This brachah is said by both men and women. #277

Practical Halacha: One minute a day. By Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, shlita, Mara D'asra and member of the Badatz of Crown Heights.