Protecting Our Thoughts

#124 Protecting Our Thoughts

In Shulchon Aruch, Even Hoezer, Siman 23, there is a list of halachos associated with maintaining proper tznius, kedusha, v’tahara (modesty, sanctity, and purity) at all times for Jewish men. Some of these halachos are also codified in the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchon Aruch at the beginning of Orach Chaim. Among the halachos listed there is that a man should not sleep on his back or stomach in order to maintain proper kedusha. Rather, he should go to sleep on his side, preferably on his left side, to facilitate digestion. A Jewish man should not ride a donkey without a saddle, as that can cause bodily warmth, which is a prohibition. A man should also not look at beheimos, chayos, veofos, (domestic animals, wild animals, and birds) when they are mating, as doing so could lead to improper thoughts. There is also a halacha regarding the type of pants a man should wear in order to maintain proper kedusha and tahara: they should be loose pants, rather than tight ones.

Practical Halacha: One minute a day. By Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, shlita, Mara D'asra and member of the Badatz of Crown Heights.